Materials R&D Laboratory

Supporting Manufacturing with Cutting-Edge Materials Technologies

Triggered by the Second Oil Crisis in 1978, the so-called new materials boom accelerated use of heat-resistant fine ceramics in high-temperature engine parts. Against this backdrop, the JFCC was established in 1985 as part of a policy adopted by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (currently the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) to promote new materials in an effort led by the Central Japan Economic Federation, with support from business, industry, and local governments.

Originally named the Testing Laboratory, the institute was renamed the Materials R&D Lab in April 2002, accompanying its transition to a research institute aimed at being a Center of Excellence (COE) focused on research and development in addition to testing and evaluation.

The Materials R&D Lab strengthens Japan’s industrial competitiveness from a range of different approaches through R&D with an eye on manufacturing industries and R&D capable of bridging fundamental research to practical applications related to inorganic materials, with a primary focus on fine ceramics.

Materials Research & Development Laboratory

Laboratory Director

Masasuke Takata

Deputy Laboratory Director
Senior Chief Researcher

Satoshi Kitaoka

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Senior Chief Researcher (concurrent)

Yoshiyuki Yasutomi

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Chief Researcher

Seiji Takahashi

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Research Groups