
Research Papers

タイトル 発表誌・学会・機関等
Vol. No. pp
木村禎一   Development of Electrospray Laser Chemical Vapour Deposition for Homogenous Alumina Coatings Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed.
Vol.31 No.1 pp.11-14
末廣智 大川元
Synthesis and NOx Sensing Evaluation of Hollow/Porous La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 Microspheres RSC advaces 2016, Issue 59 53919-53924
S. Suehiro *K. Horita
*A.D. Pramata
*M. Yuasa
*Y. Ishiwata
*K Shimanoe
*T. Kida
Efficient Solution Route to Transparent ZnO Semiconductor Films Using Colloidal nanocrystals Asian Ceramic Society
Journal of Asian Ceramic Society
Vol.4, Issue 3 Pages 319-323
松田哲志 *松原秀彰 モリブデン、タングステンを含むチタン炭窒化物の熱伝導率と電気伝導率 粉体および粉末冶金 第63巻 第10号 pp.918-923
姚永昭 石川由加里
Fast removal of surface damage layer from single crystal diamond by using chemical etching in molten KCl+KOH solution Diamond & Related Materials 63(2016)86-89
姚永昭 石川由加里
Revelation of dislocations in HVPE GaN single crystal by KOH etching with Na2O2 additive and cathodoluminescence mapping Superlattices and Microstructures 99(2016)83-87
姚永昭 石川由加里
Dislocations in SiC revealed by NaOH vapor etching and a comparison with X-ray topography taken with various g-vectors Materials Science Forum, Vol. 858, (2016) pp 389-392.
川原浩一 *須田聖一
Development of Novel CMP Abrasives with Nano-dispersed Microstructure for Glass Precise Polishing by Spray Pyrolysis Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical Calculations Letters 5, (2016), 150-151
鈴木俊正 *堀茂雄
Effect of Reaction Temperature on the Optical Band Gap of Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanooartickes Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical Calculations Letters 5, (2016), 172-173
鈴木俊正 川原浩一 Effect of Calcination Temperature on Performance of CeO2 Abrasive for Glass Polishing Proc. 16th Intern. Conf. Precision Engineering, 2016, P33-8148
*杉本拓 *須田聖一
Relationship between solution/glass interfacial area specific resistivity and glass polishing properties using ceria abrasives Proc. 16th Intern. Conf. Precision Engineering, 2016
Masami Hashimoto S. Kitaoka,
*S. Muto,
*K. Tasumi,
*Y. Obata
The Microstructure of Scale formed by Oxynitriding of Ti and Exhibiting Significant Apatite-forming Ability J. Mater. Res., 31, 1004-1011 (2016)
和田匡史 河合和彦
Effect of superheated steam treatment of carbon fiber on interfacial adhesion to epoxy resin Composites: Part A 85 (2016) 156-162
Masami Hashimoto S. Kitaoka
*H. Kanetaka
Highly Bioactive TiO2 Particles for Polymethylmethacrylate Bone Cement Advanced Powder Technology, 27, 2409-2415 (2016)
S. Kitaoka   Mass Transfer in Polycrystalline Alumina under Oxygen Potential Gradients at High Temperatures J. Ceram. Soc., Jpn., 124, 1100-1109 (2016)
*山根史帆里 *京本政之
Effects of extra irradiation on surface and bulk properties of PMPC-grafted cross-linked polythylene Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A vol. 104 No.1
*藤田ひろか *工藤忠明
Adsorption of Laminin on Hydroxyapatite and Alumina and MC3T3-E1 Cell Response ACS Biomaterials Science&Engineering 2016, 2 (7), pp 1162-1168
*川下将一 *長谷川蒔
Effect of fibronectin adsorption on osteoblastic cellular responses to hydroxyapatite and alumina Materials Science and Engineering C 69 1268-1272
*長谷川蒔 *工藤忠明
Fibronectin adsorption on osteoconductive hydroxyapatite and non-osteoconductive α-alumina Biomed. Mater. 11 (2016)045006
*吉田道之 *加藤雄太
ギ酸で安定化させたアルミナ前駆体水溶液の乾燥方法がalpha-Al2O3への相転移と粒子形態に及ぼす影響 粉体工学会誌,53 [9],571 -576 (2016)
*M. Hasegawa *K. Akiyama
*Y. Oki
M. Tanaka
S. Kitaoka
*Y. Kagawa
Texture development of α-Al2O3 ceramic coatings by aerosol deposition Mater. Trans., 57 (2016) 1714-1719
*森下廣太 *立川絵里
Diversity of multinucleated giant cells by microstructures of hydroxyapatite and plasma components in extraskeletal implantation model Acta Biomaerialia Volume 39, 15 July 2016, Pages 180_191
*梶山智司 *坂本健
Rapid and Topotactic Transformation from Octacalcium Phosphate to Hydroxyapatite (HAP): New Approach to Self-Organization of Free-Standing Thin-Film HAP-Based Nanohybrids CrystEngComm Issue 43
2016,18, 8388-8395
*寺坂宗太 *上高原理暢
Effects of carbonate inclusion on fluoride ion removal by hydroxyapatite: A discussion from the viewpoint of hydroxyapatite dissolution Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 124 [12] 1211-1216 2016
S. Kitaoka T. Matsudaira,
N. Kawashima
D. Yokoe
T. Kato
M. Takata
Mass Transfer Mechanism in Mullite under Oxygen Potential Gradients at High Temperatures Proceedings of the 40th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC), 06-24 (2016)
S. Kitaoka T. Matsudaira
T. Yokoi
D. Yokoe
T. Kato
M. Takata
Structural Stability Design of Mullite under Oxygen Potential Gradients at High Temperatures Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical Calculations Letters 5, 204-205 (2016)
*M. Ohtsuka *K. Oda
*S. Muto
M. Tanaka
S. Kitaoka
Application of Statistical High-Angular Resolution Electron Channeling X-ray Spectroscopy to Quantitaive Occupation Site Analysis of a Light Element Dopant Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical Calculations Letters 5, 162-163 (2016)
T. Matsudaira *T. Nakagawa
S. Kitaoka
*N. Shibata
*Y. Ikuhara
Effects of Oxygen Potential Gradient and Water Vapor on Mass Transfer in alpha-Alumina at High Temperatures Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical Calculations Letters 5, 208-209 (2016)
M. Hashimoto S. Kitaoka
*S. Muto
*K. Tasumi
Comparison of apatite-forming ability appeared by heat treatments of TiO2 and Ti under PO2-controlled nitrogen atmosphere Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical Calculations Letters 5, 190-191 (2016)
*大村高弘 *田坂太一
真空断熱材芯材部分の熱伝導率推定方法 熱物性誌 Vol.30 No.2 92-97
*髙橋 智 *阿子島めぐみ
遮熱コーティングの熱伝導率に及ぼす雰囲気の影響 熱物性誌 Vol.30 No.4 176-181
タイトル 発表誌・学会・機関等
Vol. No. pp
H. Moriwake Ayako Konishi
Takafumi Ogawa
Craig A. J. Fisher
Akihide Kuwabara
Desheng Fu
The electric field induced ferroelectric phase transition of AgNbO3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 119, 064102 (2016)
小川貴史 小林俊介
Craig A.J. Fisher
Isolated energy level in the band gap of Yb2Si2O7 identified by electron energy-loss spectroscopy Phys. Rev. B 93, 201107(R)
H. Moriwake Akihide Kuwabara
Craig A.J. Fisher
*Masafumi Nose
*Hideki Nakayama
*Shinji Nakanishi
*Hideki Iba
Yuichi Ikuhara
Crystal and electronic structure changes during the charge-discharge process of Na4Co3(PO4)2P2O7 Journal of Power Sources 326 (2016) 220-225
小西綾子 森分博紀
小川 貴史
Craig A. J. Fisher
Mechanism of polarization switching in wurtzite-structured zinc oxide thin films Applied Physics Letters 109, 102903 (2016)
*H. B. Zhang *R. J. Qi, N. F. Ding
*R. Huang
*L. Sun
*C. G. Duan
Craig A.J. Fisher
*J. H. Chu
Y. Ikuhara
Elemental intermixing within an ultrathin SrRuO3 electrode layer in epitaxial heterostructure AIP Advances 6 (2016) 015010.
*T. Hashimoto H. Moriwake Piezoelectric anisotropy of KNbO3 by molecular dynamics simulations using a shell model J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 85 (2016) 034702.
*橋本保 森分博紀 Electrical susceptibilities ofKNbO3 by molecular dynamics simulations using a shell model Physica B 485 (2016)110-115
*J. Lee *A. Seko
K. Shitara
*K. Nakayama
*I. Tanaka
Prediction model of band gap for inorganic compounds by combination of density functional theory calculations and machine learning techniques Phys. Rev. B 93, 115104 (2016).
*Y. Ishii *S. Mori
*Y. Nakahira
*C. Moriyoshi
*J. Park
*B. G. Kim
H. Moriwake
*H. Taniguchi
*Y. Kuroiwa
Two competing soft modes and an unusual phase transition in the stuffed tridymite-type oxide BaAl2O4 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 93, 134108 (2016)
*Y. Kuno *C. Tassel
*K. Fujita
*D. Batuk
*A. Abakumov
*K. Shitara
A. Kuwabara
H. Moriwake
*D. Watabe
*C. Ritter
*C. Brown
*T. Yamamoto
*F. Takeiri
*R. Abe
*Y. Kobayashi
*K. Tanaka
*H. Kageyama
ZnTaO2N: Stabilized High-Temperature LiNbO3-type Structure J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138 (49), pp 15950-15955
*K. Toyoura *D. Hirano
*A. Seko
*M. Shiga
A. Kuwabara
*M. Karasuyama
*K. Shitara
*I. Takeuchi
Machine-learning-based selective sampling procedure for identifying the low-energy region in a potential energy surface: A case study on proton conduction in oxides Phys. Rev. B 93, 054112 (2016)
*Yuji Umeda *Sanshiro Aman
Akihide Kuwabara
Hiroki Moriwake
Theoretical and experimental studies of formation and migration of oxygen vacancies in BaM
x Ti1- x O3 (M = Zr, Ge)
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 55, 10TB02 (2016)
K. Yoshida S. Arai
Y. Sasaki
N. Tanaka
Catalytic behavior of noble metal nanoparticles for the hydrogenation and oxidation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes Microscopy 
65、No.4, (2016)309-315
T.Kawasaki *T. Ishida
*Y. Takai
*Y. Ogawa
*M. Tomita
*T. Matsutani
*T. Kodama
*T. Ikuta
Development of electrostatic shperical aberration corrector using annular and circular electrodes Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol.48 No.11 (2016) 1160-1165
川﨑忠寛 *石田高史
STEM Phase Imaging Technique with Quasi-Bessel Beam and Annular Pixel Array Detector NANO testing symposium 2016
Y. Sugawara Y. Ishikawa
*A. Watanabe
*M. Miyoshi
*T. Egawa
Characterization of dislocations in GaN layer deposited on 4-inch Si(111) with AlGaN/AlN strained layer superlattice Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 55, 05FB08(2016)
Y. Sugawara Yukari Ishikawa
*Arata Watanabe
*koto Miyoshi
*Takashi Egawa
Analysis of reaction between c+a and -c+a dislocations in GaN layer grown on 4-inch Si(111) substrate with AlGaN/AlN strained layer superlattice by transmission electron microscopy AIP Advances 6, 045020 (2016)
S. Kobayashi Craig A.J. Fisher
takeharu Kato
*Yoshio Ukyo
Tsukasa Hirayama
*Yuichi Hirayama
Atomic scale observation of (010) LiFePO4 surfaces before and after delithiayion Nano Letters 2016, 16 (9), pp 5409-5414
*K. Toyoura *D. Hirano
*A. Seko
*M. Shiga
A. Kuwabara
*M. Karasuyama
*K. Shitara
*I. Takeuchi
Machine-learning-based selective sampling procedure for identifying the low-energy region in a potential energy surface: A case study on proton conduction in oxides PHYSICAL REVIEW B 93, 054112 (2016)
*H. Taniguchi *T. Nakane
*T. Nagai
*C. Moriyoshi
*Y. Kuroiwa
A. Kuwabara
*M. Mizumaki
*K. Nitta
*R. Okazaki
*I. Terasaki
Heterovalent Pb-substitution in ferroelectric bismuth silicate Bi2SiO5 Journal of Materials Chemistry C, vol 4 , 2016, 3168-3174
*H. Yu *Y.-G. So
A. Kuwabara
*E. Tochigi
*N. Shibata
*T. Kudo
*H. Zhou
Y. Ikuhara
Crystalline Grain Interior Configuration Affects Lithium Migration Kinetics in Li-Rich Layered Oxide Nano Letters, vol16 2016) 2907-2915
*T. Matsunaga *Hideyuki Komatsu
*Keiji Shimoda
*Taketoshi Minato
*Masao Yonemura
*Takashi Kamiyama
Shunsuke Kobayashi
Takeharu Kato
Tsukasa Hirayama
Yuichi Ikuhara
*Hajime Arai
*Yoshio Ukyo
*Yoshiharu Uchimoto
*Zempachi Ogumi
Structural understanding of superior battery properties of partially Ni-doped Li2MnO3 as cathode material Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7, 2063-2067, 2016 DOI:10.1021/acs.jpclett.6b00587
*S. Okada S. Kobayashi
*K. Ohashi
*N. Nishikawa
*T. Tokunaga
*K. Sasaki
*T. Yamamoto
Direct observation of B-site ordering in LSAT: (La0.3Sr0.7)(Al0.65Ta0.35)O3 single crystal Applied Physics Letters 108, 251905 (2016)
*T. Matsunaga *Hideyuki Komatsu
*Keiji Shimoda
*Taketoshi Minato
*Masao Yonemura
*Takashi Kamiyama
Shunsuke Kobayashi
Takeharu Kato
Tsukasa Hirayama
Yuichi Ikuhara
*Hajime Arai
*Yoshio Ukyo
*Yoshiharu Uchimoto
*Zempachi Ogumi
Dependence of structural defects in Li2MnO3 on synthesis temperature Chemistry of Materials 2016, 28 (12), pp 4143-4150
*T. Higashi *Ryo Ishikawa
Teiichi Kimura
Yumi H. Ikuhara
*Naoya Shibata
Yuichi Ikuhara
Grain boundary atomic structures in solid-state electrolyte Li0.36La0.53TiO3 Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical Calculations Letters 5, 20-21
*S. Sasano *Yoichi Shimbo
*Ryo Ishikawa
Teiichi Kimura
Yumi H. Ikuhara
*Naoya Shibata
Yuichi Ikuhara
Local Li-ion Mobility of Polycrystalline Oxide Electrolyte Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical Calculations Letters 5, 176-177
*X. Hu Shunsuke Kobayashi
Yumi H. Ikuhara
Craig A.J. Fisher
*Yasuyuki Fujiwara
Hiroki Moriwake
Akihide Kuwabara
*Keigo Hoshikawa
*Keiichi Kohama
Yuichi Ikuhara
Atomic Scale Imaging of the Microstructural Variation of La(1-x)/3LixNbO3 (0≤x≤0.13) Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical Calculations Letters 5, 16-17
S. Kobayashi *Yoshio Ukyo
Yuichi Ikuhara
*Takahisa Yamamoto
Atomic level characterization of lattice defects in crystals and their surfaces by scanning transmission electron microscopy Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical Calculations Letters 5, 8-9
Y-H.Ikuhara *Xiang Gao
Yoshihiro Sugawara
Craig. A. J. Fisher
Akihide Kuwabara
Hiroki Moriwake
*Keiichi Kohama
Yuichi Ikuhara
Atomistic structural analysis of cathodic LiCoPO4 thin films for lithium ion secondary batteries Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical Calculations Letters 5, 186
*J-Cyuan Lin *Vu Thanh Tra
*Dung-Sheng Tsai
*Tai-Te Lin
*Po-Cheng Huang
*Wei-Lun Hsu
*Hui Jun Wu
*Rong Huang
*Nguyen Van Chien
Ryuji Yoshida
*Jiunn-Yuan Lin,
*Yuichi Ikuhara
*Ya-Ping Chiu
*Shangjr Gwo
*Din Ping Tsai
*Jr-Hau He
*Ying-Hao Chu
Control of the Metal_Insulator Transition at Complex Oxide Heterointerfaces through Visible Light Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 764-770
*M. Miura *B. Maiorov
*F. F. Balakirev
T. Kato
*M. Sato
*Y. Takagi
*T. Izumi
*L. Civale
Upward shift of the vortex solid phase in high-temperature-superconducting wires through high density nanoparticle addition Scientific Reports, vol.6, 20436 (2016) DOI: 10.1038/srep20436
*Akira Ibi *Tomo Yoshida
*Teruo Izumi
*Yuh Shiohara
*Daisaku Yokoe
Takeharu Kato
Tsukasa Hirayama
Development of long coated conductors with high in-field Ic performance by PLD method at high production rate Physica Procedia, Vol. 81 97-100 (2016)
*T. Nakanishi *Takato Machi
*Teruo Izumi
*Ryo Teranishi
*Tomohiro Kato
Takeharu Kato
Tsukasa Hirayama
Jointing of coated conductors by using nano-particle metal pastes Physica Procedia, Vol. 81 105-108 (2016)
山本和生 *Yasutoshi Iriyama
Tsukasa Hirayama
Operando observations of solid-state electrochemical reactions in Li-ion batteries by spatially-resolved TEM EELS and electron holography Microscopy誌 2017年66巻1号
「Challenges for Lithium Detection」特集号
*T. Kato Ryuji Yoshida
Kazuo Yamamoto
Tsukasa Hirayama
*Munekazu Motoyama
*William C. West
*Yasutoshi Iriyama
Effects of sintering temperature on interfacial structure and interfacial resistance for all-solid-state rechargeable lithium batteries Journal of Power Soueces 325 (2016) 584-590
*C. Murayama *Momoko Okabe
*Daisuke Urushihara
*Toru Asaka
*Koichiro Fukuda
*Masahiko Isobe
Kazuo Yamamoto
*Yoshitaka Matsushita
Crystallographic features related to a van der Waals coupling in the layered chalcogenide FePS3 J. Appl. Phys. 120 (2016) 142114
Y. Sasaki Y. Yoshida
Craig A. J. Fisher
*K. Itabashi
*T. Ikeda
*T. Okubo
Polytype distributions in low-defect zeolite beta crystals synthesized without an organic structure directing agent Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
225 (2016) 210-215
タイトル 発表誌・学会・機関等
Vol. No. pp
安富義幸 無機材料分野のハブ拠点 ファインセラミックスセンター JRCM NEWS /第358号
田中誠 最新機能コーテイング技術・材料・評価、第3編 コーティング材料と応用、第3章 耐環境性に優れた輻射熱反射コーティングの創製 監修:矢澤哲夫、シーエムシー出版、p.147-153、2015年11月17日第1刷発行
北岡諭 アプリケーションから基礎へ、そして、さらなる飛躍へ 日本材料学会東海支部
日本材料学会東海支部 創立50周年 第10回学術講演会記念誌
*鈴木智幸 和田匡史
過熱水蒸気を利用した炭素繊維の表面改質 CFRP/CFRTP成形・加工・接合技術、S&T出版、pp.158-166
和田匡史 北岡諭
CFRPからの炭素繊維回収技術と繊維表面改質技術 月刊せんい
繊維機械学会誌 Vol.69 No.7
和田匡史 森匡見
過熱水蒸気を利用したCFRPからの炭素繊維回収技術と繊維表面改質技術 工業材料 Vol.64 No.8 pp.69-73(2016)
橋本雅美 *澤村武憲
セラミックス Vol51 No.12 pp.836-840 (2016)
*若井史博 *水野賢一
タイトル 発表誌・学会・機関等
Vol. No. pp
森分博紀 第一原理計算と原子レベル構造解析を連携させたマテリアルズ・デザイン ~全固体Liイオン電池用固体電解質材料(La,Li)TiO3中のLi伝導支配要因の探索~ 株式会社技術情報協会
森分博紀 小西綾子 第一原理計算と高精度実験との連携による強誘電体研究 日本セラミックス協会
セラミックス 第51巻 10月号(2016)
森分博紀 第一原理計算によるAgNbO3の強誘電性に関する研究 日本電子材料技術協会 会報 Vol.47 11月号
*今中佳彦 *佐野晴信
電子セラミックスの研究動向と将来展望 日本セラミックス協会
セラミックス第51巻  12月号(2016)
*荒井重勇 *高橋可昌
反応科学超高圧電子顕微鏡を用いたガス環境その場観察 アグネ出版
金属 12月特集記事
Vol.86 No.12
小林俊介 認識困難な観察像中のBaTiO3薄膜ドメイン構造と可視化 日本セラミックス協会
セラミックス 2016年6月号
小林俊介 顕微鏡法による材料開発のための微細構造研究最前線(10) SrTiO3薄膜における高電子移動度を導くSr空孔クラスターの歪み場解析 まてりあ第55巻 12号
*谷口尚 *陳春林
ダイヤモンドと立方晶窒化ホウ素単結晶の接合界面の創成と評価 セラミックス Vol.51 No.2
*塩原融 *中岡晃一
REBCO高温超伝導線材の開発 -微細組織と臨界電流特性- 日本金属学会
日本金属学会誌 第80巻 第7号 406-419
加藤丈晴 FIB-SEMデユアルビーム装置を用いたGdBa2Cu3O7-x超伝導層の三次元構築 まてりあ第55巻 12号
山本和生 *入山恭寿
in situ, ex situ電子顕微鏡技術による全固体電池材料の解析 電池技術 第28巻 2016, p.83-94.
山本和生 オペランド電子顕微鏡技術による全固体リチウムイオン電池の反応解析 まてりあ第55巻 12月号 p.590.